Tag Archives: listening to your body

Days Like Today

There was so much I wanted to do today. I wanted to write a new blog entry and moderate and respond to some very nice comments on my previous post (thank you!).

I was going to walk to the post office to pick up some Christmas deliveries. I was going to wrap those presents and place them under the tree. I was going to test out the flavours of the chocolate coffee stirrers I am making for my friends as holiday gifts. I was going to take out the trash and the recycling, and maybe change the cat’s litter. You know, be a productive member of (unemployed) society.

Do you know what I did instead? I woke up, watched some bad TV on Netflix, made coffee, made lunch, made some juice, then went back to bed, leaving a big pile of dirty dishes in the sink. I slept for nearly three hours in the middle of the afternoon. Prime doing hours.

It took everything I had to peel myself upright and brush my teeth afterward, let alone put on sweats and run a comb through my hair. Which I just did. (Yay me?)

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